Wirral Leaks Election Selection – 2 weeks to go

Vote Goodies


So after being open for 6 months Wirral Council ‘s Planning Committee unanimously pulled the (butt) plug on Birkenhead ‘gentleman’s club’ Peachez . However the other Birkenhead ‘gentleman’s club’ was out in force bemoaning the bump’n’grind. Council ‘leader’ Phil ‘Power Boy Pip’ Davies even put in an appearance . Might we suggest this was more in support of Birkenhead & Tranmere ward candidate Paul Jobson – for whom the decision was described by Pip as a ‘fantastic victory’ – than a genuine concern that Peachez was turning the town into a hotbed of moral turpitude. Remind us , wasn’t Pip part of the crew who flew to sleazy Reno hoping to be twinned with a town who’s main attractions are booze,strippers and gambling? Whatever happened to that hook-up ? The only stripping Wirral councillors now seem to be in favour of is the stripping of public assets.

We think that Power Boy Pip’s appearance in the Liverpool Echo video included in their Pip on Peachez story should itself be x-rated. Inevitably Wirral Labour described his performance (and it was a performance ) as ‘powerful’. Pip once again used the phrase ‘sordid business’ and it was hard to tell whether he was describing Peachez , his blatant electioneering or Wirral Council’s modus operandi.

However we had to laugh at the inevitable inane comment from that ultimate exemplar of political and personal decorum Cllr Steve ‘Foulkesy’ Foulkes:  “I don’t know much about these places but I’ve not seen one in Liverpool on the main thoroughfare” he said sounding like a snooty, teetotal maiden aunt all of a sudden.

Bizarrely the refusal for planning permission was moved on the grounds that it would “not promote a positive image of the area”  – which prompts us to wonder whether any of the councillors involved in the decision leading to Peachez going tits up have actually been to Birkenhead lately? Just sayin’ !


Tory Wirral Council group leader Ian Lewis managed to get a front page from Wirral Globe ‘blasting’ reports that 170 foster children went missing in 2016/17. The revelations gave further insight into why Children’s Services have been deemed inadequate by Ofsted.  In response Paul ” Boycey’ Boyce , Wirral Council’s Director of Children’s Services was in in full ” that was then,this is now”  “right direction” “moving forward”  mode  – you know the drill by now. However taking things even further in her local election campaign leaflet Labour Rose (no sniggering at the back) Cllr Christine Spriggs simply rewrites history when it comes to the past failures in Children’s Services.

We readily acknowledge that since 2010 the decimation of local authority funding under Tory rule has had a severe detrimental impact upon local services.  However we would ask local politicians to be honest  – a big ask we know – and acknowledge in return, that many of the failings in recent years with regard to vulnerable people, both young and old on Wirral, have had more to do with bad management and poor scrutiny.  Consequently the £20 million (of your money) that Wirral Council are putting into Children’s Services are because they have had to remedy these past failings are less to do with “Tory cuts”.


6 thoughts on “Wirral Leaks Election Selection – 2 weeks to go

  1. My Lord,

    I have to admit it……

    I have woken up this morning thinking about…..

    Cllr Adrian Jones.

    This is not a healthy situation. My first inclination is to blame the Aussie. His words ring in my ears.

    I think I need counselling.

    ‘No votes for Cllr Adrian Jones’
    (These are my words)

    • G’day “Inty”

      I woke up today and dreamt “The Pretend Friend” got voted back into the Riviera of the wirral…….. Seacombe again in May for the umpteenth time.

      He once again slept through the duration.



      Snoozy for Seacombe whilst time stands still……..for two years…..another two years.

      Luv ya “Int” but Lordy is still my bessie. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  2. Interested there are no contentious elections as far as I can see. We should hold fire till foulkes is up again for the cream of the wirralleaks stories congregate around him.
    I don’t want to waste good leather soles on candidates that we have nothing on.

  3. G’day “Int”

    See how “Highbrow” is so loyal decent and honest.

    Still supporting his mate who shafted him where the sun don’t shine.



    I concur

    ‘No votes for Cllr Adrian Jones’
    (These are my words)


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