Pip’s Cabinet Kerfuffle

Following the local election comes the the arrival of the new civic year with the Mayor-making ceremony held earlier this week at Wallasey Town Hall which witnessed  Tory Cllr Geoffrey Watt installed as this year’s incumbent. Watt’s yawn-inducing acceptance speech gave Wirral Council CEO Eric ‘Feeble’ Robinson the opportunity to do what he does best – multitasking. By which we mean blinking and looking utterly vacant .

Council ‘leader’ Cllr Phil ‘Power Boy Pip’ Davies then did what he does best  by rewarding failure – in this case we mean nominating former Cabinet member responsible for Children’s Services , Cllr Tony Smith to be Deputy Mayor (and therefore next year’s Mayor). This follows the inglorious record of failed and disgraced councillors who have been Labour’s nomination to be Wirral’s first citizen following on from the likes of Cllr Moira McLaughlin and Cllr Steve Foulkes.

Pip later moved on make the announcement of a Cabinet shake-up which involved the creation of new portfolios and the dropping of Cllr Christine Spriggs from Leisure and Recreation in favour of Cllr Philip ‘Brightboy’ Brightmore . We can only wonder what prompted Pip to oust Spriggs – but we have a fairly good idea.  The other change of note is Cllr Paul Stuart heading up ‘Law and Order’ (no laughing at the back). Might we suggest that Stuart’s first test will be the argy-bargy brewing with Wirral Council staff who are part of the much heralded ‘Safer Wirral Hub’ at Solar Campus (more on that developing story later.)

Meanwhile here’s a Labour sources interesting observations on the recent election campaign , The Contact Company and the current Labour cabinet

Dear Wirral Leaks,

During the campaign in Birkenhead & Tranmere, it was widely known throughout the Labour camp that they were keeping record of Labour members within the ward who were planning on voting Green. It was claimed by Sheila Murphy, a delegate to Wirral Labour’s LCF, and Paul Jobson the Labour candidate that members who say on the doorstep they will vote Green can be removed from the party.
It is my understanding speaking to North West branch that this is false. Members may vote for whoever they choose as it is a secret ballot, provided they do not campaign for another party. It is my belief this was an intimidation tactic used by the Labour campaign to force members to vote Green.
However, if such a list exists separately from the data political parties may keep when knocking on the doorstep, then there would possibly be a legal infringement.
You may have also picked up a leaflet printed about Pat Cleary during the campaign, much of which was a personal attack up Pat rather than over policies. It should be noted that on Twitter many Labour members made their feelings clear over personal attacks against candidates rather than those on policies.
However, it is not only members who were being forced to get behind the campaign.
Wirral Council’s cabinet were also whipped to attend campaign days in Birkenhead & Tranmere on “action saturdays”, and it was only until this issue was raised by Labour’s LCF that other target seats were included too. Again, this was well known throughout the Labour campaign.
The pouring of resources into Birkenhead & Tranmere it is well known is less to do with a fear of Pat Cleary, and more due to the fact that there is a fear Phil Davies will lose his seat next year and throwing everything into the ward this year was meant to stem the Green tide. However, it may have come at the cost of Pensby, and the possibility of winning other seats.
One final note, an investigative piece into workers rights in The Contact Company, and Phil Davies and Liverpool City Region’s links to the company and its owner Asif may be well worth a look in to. Agency workers  on minimum wage, 13 week, zero hours contracts working over 40 hours a week, many getting sacked for spurious reasons linked to a LABOUR council leader…. you get the idea.
Please respect my anonymity, but understand I am only trying to uncover what is going on behind the scenes because the majority of Wirral Labour Party want this current cabinet out, and are in fact good people.
  Yours Faithfully,
  A Labour Source.
We managed to track down copies of the offending leaflets referred to above on Twitter courtesy of  @LuciBella_
Twitter - Election

18 thoughts on “Pip’s Cabinet Kerfuffle

  1. Hahahahaha ⁉️
    Priceless ‼️

    Pat Cleary “lives in West Kirby”……..

    Talk about having a black hole where your self awareness should be located….

    Clue: Which West Kirby top toff and pride of the local gentry also resides in West Kirby?

    And is this affluent local a senior, elected public servant?

    And is he or is he not unrelated to a man whose daughter had a bonanza of ready cash to stump up for Tory Esther McVey’s recently vacated, exclusive, luxury mansion?

    Methinks local hard right Labour have certain hidden interests which were they to be revealed could well have 39 seasoned hypocrites stripped of their public roles and dumped out on their well-upholstered arses.

    • Exactly, the first thing that jumps out at you is the cretin who designed the leaflet failed to collide braincells and realise where the council leader resides. You couldn’t make it up…

  2. Oh Chasser and Leaksly

    You have given me inspiration and a mission Charlie boy.

    Wirral “Funny” Bizz whistleblowers Inc are going to make it a full time effort in getting “Philly “FUCKING” Liar” ousted from his home suburb (not) of Tranmereda next year unless a proper apology comes from his dogsbody “Ecca” the £200,000.00 + Muppet.

    Oh “Philly” every punter in your beloved (place to slum it) Tranmere will know you are a fucking liar.



    You are a genius Chas and we will get shot once and for all of the blight on the wirral.

    Get writing your apology for your spotty, acne ridden blinking CEO “Philly “FUCKING” Liar”.

    Make the most of this year “Phil the Very Very Very Very Slimy, Elusive, LYING and Deluded Dill” no apology no golf resort or commoners market for you fool.

    Luv las’ X

  3. Errrrr and in the past 10 years how many ceos, directors ,deputy directors ,deputy deputy directors etc have lived on the Wirral??? And if this were a decent organisation with integrity and sound short medium and long term business strategies it might not have the problem recruiting … get a grip

  4. I don’t know who your source is but I’m doubtful they are Labour supporters let alone members. The campaign in B&T was about defeating a candidate who presents as radical but in fact supports the Tories. Votes for Tory amendments and would prop up a minority Tory administration. If you vote green on Wirral you get blue, go and look at Pat Cleary’s voting record. I wish Labour could have made inroads into Eastham and Clatterbridge but despite determined campaigns the results were what was predicted. Voting against Labour locally will only benefit the tories and that will not be to the benefit of the majority of people on Wirral

    • Clement, (fraud?) Every time a hard right LabourTory “Labour” lackey votes, he / she votes for Tory policies e.g. closing disabled children’s schools. Willingly. Repeatedly. Ad infinitum. Up the greasy pole they go. As long as the allowance comes rolling in bang on time and there’s a chance one day of being driven around in a limousine (rather than slumming it in free taxis) at the poor people’s expense.

    • Oh my darling Clement (you have got fog on yer Tyne) i.e. Rose on/in yer glasses……

      The Mighty Highbrow is preparing, as we sleep, the greatest story ever told leaflet for distribution against the big (Phi) lie at the next local semi election.

      How can you have a leader/lie/local?

      Bye bye ‘Philly Liar’

      Imagine having a leader called Liar…. there is 2 million missing quid… that needs accounting for…

      Wirral biz is bad biz….

      Good court case on the 23rd…Boo may be there….

  5. Lads Lads Lads

    Urgent Urgent Urgent

    Hold the phone

    The “Siffleur commone” whistleblowing case might be Tuesday 22 May at 10.30am and not Wednesday as I suggested.

    I will keep you posted over the weekend.

    It is easier to get into Fort Knox than BirkenBloodyHell County Court.

    Chasser, Paul, “Interested”, Martin, John, Leonora and the rest of the gang sorry to muck you about.


    See how easy it is to apologise and admit you have made a mistake.

    So get Ecca and your new law boy down the court house to apologise to the Wirral “Funny” Bizz whistleblowers and start afresh.



    Oh Lordy why can’t “Philly”FUCKING” Liar” just be a half decent bloke he is like a man possessed?

    There are over 1,000 pages saying Wirral “Funny” Bizz was a wrong un he he just stupid it is riddled with dodgy business and criminality “Highbrow” has all the evidence including documentation that proves we are whistleblowers and they call us WB1 and WB2.

    Hold the press for the filth and dishonesty that might happen next week.


    Hope you haven’t booked your private jet for Wednesday I think it will be BirkenBloodyHell County Court Tuesday.

  6. Laddies


    Its on Tuesday 22 May 10.30am

    Come and watch their extra £7,000.00 waste of money protecting the shit reputations of “Philly “FUCKING” LIar, Jones, Foulkes, Adderley, Basnett.



    Sorry I made a mistake over the date (not hard to admit a mistake Ecca and Philly) or are you saying it wasn’t a mistake to let Wirral “Funny” Bizz away with £2,000,000.00 of wirrals hard earned?

    Scum bag, egotistical arsehole.

    Sorry again Lads see ya Tuesday XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

      • Lads Lads Lads

        BirkenBloodyHell County Court 10.30am Tuesday 22 May 2018

        The Wirral “Funny” Bizz £2,000,000.00 knock off Whistleblowers Annual
        we have more evidence than you can jump over 7th Annual Conference



        See ya there lads XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

      • Ha ha ha “Legweak”

        They’ve hidden their reports and lies so deep they have forgotten where they are.

        Don’t worry “Highbrow” has kept a copy of everything.

        You might want to buy it off him for your records.



        See ya Tuesday for an apology to the Wirral “Funny” Bizz £2,000,000.00 knock off whistleblowers.

        Sorry “Humpty Dumpty” I have been forgetting to mention your part.

        Fat twat.

        See ya down the court house Lads XXXXXXXXXXX

      • God Bless you Chas

        A good decent honest person.

        We will keep abusing and mocking (hunting) till the proper apology is fortcoming.



        My prayers are with you.


  7. G’day Leaks

    Wirral “Funny” Bizz

    The court cases will come the court cases will go.

    But we are not going anywhere with a proper apology.




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