Pip Pops Back To The Potting Shed


Pip didn’t see that  coming…

And so it would appear ‘The Curse of Leaky Towers’ has struck again as following on from our  Power Boy Pip Pops Back Into Public Life story we are ecstatic to report that former Wirral Council ‘leader’  Phil ‘Power Boy Pip’ Davies has dropped out of the running as Merseyside’s Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner after being apparently pummelled at last Thursday’s Police and Crime Panel.

The Liverpool Echo report really makes for a splendid case of schadenfreude as even former Wirral Council comrade Cllr Adrian Jones did the old ‘Et tu, Brute?…’ act describing the process by which Pip was picked to prop up Police and Crime Commissioner Jane Kennedy as ‘perverse’. Well,yes, quite…

Hilariously Pip suddenly came to realise that he couldn’t do the job ‘Justice’ (no change there then!) – Let’s face it Pip wouldn’t know the meaning of the word . However we do and this looks a little bit like it to us!…

And so it’s back to retirement for Pip. We can only hope for the wellbeing of the people of Wirral that he continues to self isolate in his potting shed long after the coronavirus lockdown has ceased…

Now,  how about after this little episode of ‘justice delayed’ Wirral councillors consider more closely the appointment of Cllr George Davies as Wirral’s first citizen and Mayor? We’ll be giving them plenty of reason to do so as our curse will not be lifted for some time to come for, as far as we’re concerned,  if ever an appointment is ‘perverse’ it is this one…




Christmas Felicitations From Wirral Leaks : The Ghosts of Christmas Past

To mark our last Christmas broadcast from Leaky Towers we thought we’d bring you a ‘Ghosts of Christmas Past’ special and recall some of our previous festive greetings.  After all isn’t Christmas not only about tradition but about  repeats on the telly and from various body  parts?

First up we bring you this heartwarming pic from 2011 where we see Cllr Steve Foulkes aka Foulkesy doing what he does best – bringing comfort and joy whenever, sorry, wherever he goes. Only he doesn’t go does he? Locally he remains the living proof of the international and national trend that people will put politicians in power even when they’re proven liars…

Talking of liars – he we have Foulkesy’s chum and soon to be Mayor of Wirral Cllr George Davies proving once and for all that old adage that politics is showbiz for ugly people

Satan's Little Helper

Of course Davies was once the ultimate Satan’s Little Helper when he was the electoral agent for Frank Field – the former MP for Birkenhead. However much like his mate Foulkesy this wretched elf ditched Frankenfield when they saw that the writing was on the wall for the latter’s political career and they are both now feigning support for all things Corbyn and the union -backed new MP for Birkenhead, Mick Whitley. This means   they can continue to ride on the coat tails of local power and influence much as they have done for decades.

And finally the man himself who for so many years presided over his personal political domain safe in the knowledge that Birkenhead was one of the safest Labour seats in the country , which , of course it remains to be to this day…


Unfortunately for Frankenfield he had to stand as an independent at the recent General Election and the flag of convenience that was the Labour Party was no longer there to maintain him in power.  And let’s face it ,despite the promise of hanging around Birkenhead and doing his bit for ‘charidee’ that’s what it’s always been about for  Frankenfield – the power and the glory .

We can only imagine how Frankenfield must feel this Christmas  having been betrayed and  politically outmanoeuvred by his former acolytes Foulkes and Davies. But then that’s what you get when you have have sat on a throne of lies for four decades…

Xmas Message

Meanwhile Merry Christmas to one and all from everyone at Leaky Towers!

A Farewell to Frankenfield


So as the dust settles from the General Election fallout we thought we’d send a long wished for farewell to  Frankenfield! And special thanks go to one of our readers who suggested a Smiths album cover as the inspiration for a fitting tribute  both marking the end of Field’s  imperious reign as the MP for Birkenhead and the death of his political career.

Yes , whilst we acknowledge  that Angie, Ali and Maggie ensured that Wirral remains an all red peninsula we all know that the big local political story from the General Election is that the most prominent and influential  politician on Wirral for the past 4 decades has finally left the building (or rather been bundled out the emergency exit  by his former party). As we know the ex-Labour man set up his own political vanity project known to us as  Frank Field’s BS Justice Party  but officially named as the Birkenhead Social Justice Party which was supported by a rag tag of local Labour ‘rebels’ including the hopelessly devoted ever faithful factotum and new electoral agent Cllr Moira ‘Matron’ McLaughlin.

However  Field  must have known the election result was on the cards when long serving Labour Party members had been telling him they were more loyal to the  Party than to the man himself  and wouldn’t be supporting his arrogant venture and especially when his former electoral agent Cllr George Davies abandoned him for an old mucker from Vauxhall’s whilst in pursuit of his sad little ambition of becoming the next Labour Mayor of Wirral  – a position which he would have relinquished if he’d stood by his former mentor and the man who got him (and other local Labour councillors) out of many a scrape of their own making. Let’s face it it comes to something when Field has to rely on the likes of former pottymouthed Labour councillor Harry Smith for  support.

Wirral Leaks readers will know that we’ve never been a fan of the man known to us as Frankenfield (and with very good reason) and will not mourn his passing into the political wilderness . We doubt whether  Mick Whitley , his Labour successor as the MP for Birkenhead will leave behind such an enduring legacy and after Field’s glorious forty years of wallowing in poverty that can only be a good thing.

However having said all that we are certain that we haven’t heard the last of the monarch of misery. No doubt Field will be penning pity party opinion pieces  for the likes of the Daily Mail and telling everyone in the Home Counties that Labour should have listened ‘to me! me! ME!’ and how Mick and the mob from Momentum have unfairly and unceremoniously unseated him from his rightful throne.

What’s more Wirral Leaks is far from finished with Field as he’ll soon play a starring role in our outgoing series of posts which we hope may finally explain to Frankophiles why we are rejoicing that his reign in Birkenhead is finally over…

Wirral Leaks General Election Special – The Twelve Days of Christmas (Day One)


As you all know Christmas comes early this year with the General Election to be held on the 12th of December. Somewhat like Christmas scenes from Leaky Towers it promises to be the traditional family festive fare featuring rows , recriminations and ill chosen presents/politicians.

So for the next twelve days we thought we’d open our own  advent calendar from hell and report on the General Election in general and the local political manoeuvring in particular.

Therefore we’d appreciate your leaks , comments and copies of flyers that are currently doing the rounds. We’ve been sent a few of the latter already – for which many thanks.

We’ve also been sent some videos . The first one –   see here  – features Mick Whitley the prospective Labour parliamentary candidate for Birkenhead  who tells us that “It’s time for real change” . And after 40 years of Frank Field misrule we think that many people in Birkenhead will get behind that particular sentiment . Now that Frankenfield is heading up his own political vanity project in the form of the Birkenhead Social Justice Party (more on that in the coming days) the Labour Party heir apparent Mick also tells us that :

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Really Mick? If that’s the case can you tell us why your video features you in deep discussion Frank Field’s former electoral agent and the current Deputy Mayor of Wirral Council, Cllr George Davies, looking particularly gorgeous in his fetching subliminal red Adidas trackie?

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Might we suggest that if you truly want ‘real change in Birkenhead’ that you disassociate yourself from this corrupt , dishonest and apparently disloyal political opportunist or whatever the outcome of the General Election it would appear that whether it’s Whitley or Field that Birkenhead will be condemned to the decline, despair and deceit that has characterised the local political landscape for the past four decades…

Deputy Dispute


We resisted calling this post ‘Deputy Dawg’ .  We’re better than that. Unfortunately our elected representatives aren’t.

However we have to thank our source who, in the dogged pursuit of truth,  asks the pertinent question   :

Just who is Deputy Leader of Wirral Council?

As the new administration gets “its feet under the table” there appears to be some confusion as to who is the Deputy Leader of the Council.  Pat “ the healer” Hackett decided to have a Deputy Leader of the labour group, Cllr Jeanette “ milly tant” Williamson, and Cllr Anita “dog shit supremo” Leach as the actual council deputy leader.  This is causing all kinds of confusion though, especially for Cllr Williamson who keeps telling everybody and attending conferences as “Deputy Leader of Wirral Council”  now we know that dear old Milly has a fragile ego but this is ridiculous!  However what would be truly ridiculous is if Cllr Williamson is also receiving the paid allowance of Deputy Leader as well as cllr leach. 

It would be great if Wirral Council could tell us what positions and allowances these two giants of Wirral politics actually hold and are paid for!
 Needless to say we have previously and ruefully commented on the fact that the local   Labour group have pulled this stunt before. Remember when Cllr Ann McLachlan and Cllr George Davies were both Deputy Leaders and both presumably gorging themselves on the trough of plenty?…
Apparently you don’t – hence it’s a case of history repeating itself  and you’re paying for it!
Meanwhile  can we just pause for a second  and consider the fact that ardent royalist Cllr Janette Williamson might actually be the Deputy Leader of Wirral Council…and you thought that Boris Johnson as Prime Minister and Donald Trump as US President heralded the end of days?…


It’s a ‘No’ to Norbury

Red Card 009

Empty political gestures are no substitute for deeply held beliefs.  

Considering how gleefully the local press reported that the first attempt by the Birkenhead Constituency Labour Party to elect a successor to Frank Field ended in an embarrassing lock out  at Birkenhead Town Hall you’d have thought they’d be happy to report that Mick Whitley eventually got the gig. But no – they’ve got stories to tell about how Frankenfield is saving Birkenhead from the ravages of a corrupt political regime (take your pick as to whether that’s a Labour controlled council or a Tory controlled government). Whilst we’re on the subject of Field’s alleged saving of the increasingly depressing House of Fraser store in Birkenhead can someone explain his preference for Mike Ashley over Sir Philip Green? Answers on a postcard. Mark your entries with the word ‘HYPOCRISY’…

However if you think Whitley has it bad trying to gain some leverage with the local press spare a thought for the runner up in the parliamentary candidacy race. Poor Cllr Tony Norbury – who received 116 votes compared to Whitley’s 224 – is having a torrid time of late. Not that we’re particularly sympathetic. Norbury always seemed to be spectacularly naive as to how local politics works. At the end of the day he just didn’t have the right connections  – be that with the press ,unions or self-serving politicians . Moreover can we just say that political posturing with placards is no substitute for a deeply held belief in tackling racism, especially within the local Labour leadership (i.e. Cllr George Davies).

Apparently Norbury’s week got even worse as not only is he not off to Westminster – can you imagine? – he’s also off the local panel list and therefore cannot run as a councillor in May 2020!

They say bad luck comes in threes so we can only hope and pray that his Buxton bolthole wasn’t flooded during the recent Biblical downpour!…

Frank Field’s Home Supporter

We’ve already raised the issue of  Cllr Moira ‘Matron’ McLaughlin’s political affiliations in our Social Justice Worriers post . However, for obvious reasons – to Wirral Leaks readers anyway – Field’s electoral agent and Wirral Council Deputy Mayor George Davies has to keep a very low profile on the political front at the moment and so it would appear that ‘Matron’ has taken over the role as Field’s faithful factotum.

So much so that she is allowing Field to use her home address as a P.O. Box for his new political venture. As you can see on the Birkenhead Social Justice Party website you can write to Frankenfield c/o Matron’s Rock Ferry residence:

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We know this because it is the same address that Matron provides as contact details on on the Wirral Council website.

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Now on the assumption that Matron and Field are not co-habiting then we really think the former should do the honourable thing and declare herself a Birkenhead Social Justice Party supporter and knock the ‘Independent’ malarkey on the head.

Silly us – whenever have either of them done the honourable thing?…



Frank Field’s BS Justice Party

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Will Field need a new electoral agent? I think we should be told…

After yesterday’s announcement of today’s announcement (or should that be pronouncement) we learn that Frank Field is still in deep denial that his political game is up.

In typical passive aggressive Frankenfield-style he hijacks this weekend’s announcement about who will be his successor as Labour’s next parliamentary candidate and gets his retaliation in first.  For what it’s worth and with the backing of some powerful unions our money is on Mick Whitley to be the victor in this particular long drawn out debacle.

However back to the star of the show – and forever the drama queen – we have  Frankenfield outside Birkenhead Town Hall telling us he will be fighting the next General Election under the banner of the Birkenhead Social Justice Party or the BS Justice Party as we’ve already taken to calling his latest vanity project.

Frankenfield will be 80 the next time the General Election is due, however with the Tory government now down to a working majority of one an election could be any time soon. Whenever it does take place it seems inevitable that in the interim we’ll have to get used to even more bogus news stories which will be endless variations on today’s tired old tune from the former Labour MP for Birkenhead :

I will be standing again as a candidate at the next election with the aim of doing what I have done for 40 years: always putting the interests of our town and our country first while championing the views and interests of the underdogs in our society.

Come off it Frank , you’ll just carry on championing your own personal views and interests and denigrating anyone who disagrees…

One question : Will Field’s electoral agent and current Deputy Mayor of Wirral Council Cllr George Davies be joining Field in his new political (misad)venture or is he waiting until he gets the mayoral chains for him and his missus next year before he too jumps onto Field’s sinking ship of fools?…

Aldermen and Straw Men


Pictures have arrived of hasbeen Labour councillors Ron ‘Ruined’ Abbey, Chris Meaden and Phil “Power Boy Pip’ Davies alongside long serving Tory councillors Thingy and Whatsit and current mayor Cllr Tony Smith and his consort.

Apparently ‘Alderman’ badges were being bestowed at Wallasey Town Hall at a surprisingly low key event for a self-aggrandizing group of people. Now we neither know nor care what an ‘Alderman’ badge is  – all we do know is that former Labour councillor Harry ‘Pottymouth’ Smith received one so we assume it isn’t much of an accolade!

However we must say Ron looks to have gotten over his deselection as a Labour councillor and seems much happier now he has a useless pendant dangling from him.


This picture in particular got us thinking about such awards and how in recent times the Mayoral appointment especially among the Labour ranks has become not only a reward for failure but a form of ‘reputation rehab’ for ‘men of straw’. First, there was Cllr Moira ‘Matron’ McLaughlin and her woeful record with adult care services and then there was Cllr Steve ‘Foulkesy’ Foulkes , well  we wouldn’t know where to begin with this one and now we have Cllr Tony Smith  who was to children’s services what Matron was to adult services – a monumental failure.   And as for Cllr Smith’s Deputy (and next Mayor) why , it’s none other than Foulkesy’s partner in crime Cllr George Davies…

We rest our case.




Tory hasbeens in happier times. Enter our caption competition and win something in pink silk

No doubt you’ve all been reading about Tory Councillor David Burgess Joyce who has been all over the mainstream media  for all the wrong reasons. His insulting and imbecilic tweets comparing black Labour MP David Lammy to a member of white supremacist murderers the Ku Klux Klan was low even for a Wirral councillor but let’s face it, not a new low . As we know their standards are lower than a rattlesnake’s belly and ignorant racists are two a penny at Wallasey Town Hall (yes, we’re talking about you Cllr George Davies…)

Needless to say we had BJ – as we like to call him- nailed as a Grade A arsehole in our A Fair Cop post in 2016 :

Her Ladyship and I have always asked each other who on earth was that preening, self -regarding pompous windbag  who with faux sincerity talked ever -so – slowly – and – in – a -way – that – made – you – think – that -what -he-was -saying – was – ever – so- important – and – profound – when -really – it -was – the – usual – mix -of -blather – and – BS.

And now we know – Mr B-J !!!


BJ has now been suspended by the local Tory Party – fortunately for him not in a manner approved by the Klu Klux Klan. Might we suggest that he should now spend his time arranging his collection of lurid silk pocket handkerchiefs and reflecting on the fact that he is one of many Wirral councillors who should never, EVER have been in a position to make decisions about other peoples lives…

Meanwhile here’s a history lesson in song for BJ  :